Tuesday, June 26, 2012

digital life style

In class we were asked to answer the question (What are the changes that have brought us a digital lifestyle)? Some of the major things that we love to use every day went digital over night. For excample music, photography, video, radio, and television. This simply happened because we began to have products with new capabilities. small devices can hold huge collections of a variety of types of information.  As we all know the faster, better, and more powerful products always end up on top. We were also asked (How has the move to digital information affected the communication tools important to both business world and life outside of work)? In business people have become an on the go business able to work from home or even never having to step in the office. With smartphone capabilities were they are the world is litterly at your finger tips.

                                                                                                                 peace out

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I really can't believe how for the windows operating system has come from the first time I worked on a computer at school. It has really become user friendly. It has really went leaps and bounds since the days of the oragon trail. very stoked to see and use windows 8 it seems to look like the desk top is set up like a smart phone. I belive it is a step tward making desk tops irrelevant.

Monday, June 18, 2012

And Google Says...

In a presentation in Dublin, Ireland in March 2010, Google sales cheif Jim Haley stated that the desk top would be irrelevant in three years (SiliconRepublic.com). And this would create a different kind of futer then what we know today. I 100% agree because if you look at the world today and what you thought it would be 10 or 15 years ago it probably did not come out the way you thought it would. It might be better or it might be worse but it definatly has changed. Inovation will not just simply sease to exsist and it definatly will not slow down because it is what our country thrives on. We are always looking to come up with the bigger, better, safer,next best thing that inturn makes the older technology irrelevant. Well defined index fingers from too much xbox or play station, carple tunnel in wrists and hands thease are some of the things we are faced with now. But you cant rule out the fact that technology will some how find a way to make that better also. So i say go for it can't wait to see what comes next. Peace out!!! Slawomir Signing off

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

application software

The application software that i used on a daily basis was Excel, this is a program that is used to make different data bases or keep records. A couple of advantages to this program it is great for book keeping, another is it can make your work life much easier. yet another advantage of it it makes the you or your company clean and Green cause it cuts down on the use of paper. i think using it in school is really great cause it can be your own personal contact list , Secretary, and you could even keep track of your classes just like the engrade site we all use.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I can't say enough good things about Web2.0, I owe a lot of credit to it. How else can you reconnect with people you graduated with and say - WOW that person has really done well for themselves? Just a month ago I had a five hour conversation with my birth mother, for the first time in 21 years, who now lives in Italy. Oh, and I don't speak a word of Italian or polish! So, the possibilities are endless and exciting! Deep down inside all of us has a little voice saying, "I hope I'm around to see the first flying car."


ok bear with me this password thing is killing me